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Optimizely CAB Portal
Status Future consideration
Created by Guest
Created on Nov 25, 2022

Add an internal description field for extensions

A customer suggested the following feature:

It would be helpful to add an internal description field for Extensions.

In the Extension's settings, there is a description field. However, that field should contain no more than a single line of text because that description is displayed in the list of extensions. See attached screenshot "extension description 1.png".

Especially for customers who use many extensions and have many people working with those extensions, it is often necessary to provide a more detailed description/context and instructions on when and how to use a particular extension.

One workaround is to "hijack" a multi-line input field and to add the description as the default input value. However, that text is also visible in the snippet, so this isn't really suitable for "internal" comments. See the attached images "extension description 2.png" and "extension description 3.png".

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