As an Optimizely editor, I would like to have a better developer experience when using the "custom javascript condition" when building an audience.
Not only is the editor showing plain text while it could be an editor such as is presented when creating a custom Analytics Integration in the "Settings > Integration"-view of a Project (which has syntax highlighting, line numbers, ...), BUT also the custom javascript in the current editor for custom javascript conditions for audiences can not use the "return"-syntax. In fact, using the "return"-syntax breaks the whole condition for the audience, without even showing a warning!
Thank you in advance and please let me know if there are any questions!
With the kindest regards,
Hi Matthias, this feedback has been heard and taken into account. We understand that it's painful for developers to use Optimizely's custom code editor today and plan to improve this in the near future. We'll look into adding this for next year's roadmap.
Another request for this custom javascript editor: can we make it possible to use ES8's async await function?
With the kindest regards,
To add to this topic I'd like to report that console.log statements are also breaking the custom javascript condition of the audience builder. Without warning.
In my opinion, this input field can not be changed quickly enough to an editor field with all the bells and whistles. Or at the very least, trigger warnings whenever a developer enters faulty code in this field.
With the kindest regards,